The Castle Corona
Author: Sharon Creech
Genre: Fairy Tale
Age Level: 8-12 years
Once upon a time, there was a royal family who lived in a castle high on a hill. King Guido and Queen Gabriella had three children: Prince Gianni, the aspiring poet; Prince Vito, the swordsman; and Princess Fabrizia, the spoiled. Below the castle lay a village where two young peasants named Pia and Enzio lived a miserable existence with their master. The two youngsters would dream of a better existence, but were always brought abruptly back to reality. One day, however, the peasants do meet adventure when they discover a stolen pouch bearing the King's seal. The pouch, and its contents, ultimately lead them to the castle where they find their lives suddenly intertwined with those of the royal family.
I wanted to like this book, but it was ultimately a big disappointment. The beginning was promising, but I kept waiting for something to happen, and it never did. The plot was predictable and full of holes, while the climax of the story was anything but captivating. I assume that this novel was supposed to be about self-discovery, but the only character who genuinely seemed to learn something and change was the Queen. Like the story, the illustrations were promising, but then the reader realizes that many of the images are recycled throughout the book. I appreciated that there was very little objectionable material (see below) and, therefore, did not regret reading it. Overall, though, this fairy tale was disappointing and forgettable.
Disrespectful/Bad Attitude: Mild
Frightening/Suspenseful: Mild
Profanity: Mild
Sex: None
Substance Use: Mild
Mature Themes: None
Violence: Mild
Disrespectful/Bad Attitude:
-The master calls Pia and Enzio 'dirty beetles,' 'idle hogs,' and 'lazy turnips.'
-Pia and Enzio are kidnapped by the King's Men and taken to the castle. They believe they are going to be thrown in the dungeon.
-One use of the word 'idiot.'
Substance Use:
-Several of the characters drink ale or wine.
-Pia says the master will come home drunk. "He'll be wobbling and stumbling and cursing."
-The Count sleeps soundly after drinking "too much wine."
-Pia and Enzio talk about what will happen if the King's Men catch the thief saying, "If they catch him they will slice off his head and chop him to bits!"
-Pia and Enzio realize that daydreaming may do you harm, "especially if your master is impatient with such daft dreams and will whack you on the back of your knees with a leather strap."
-The Wordsmith tells a story where a young servant boy dies after tasting the king's poisoned soup.
-The Wordsmith tells a story where the young prince captures a thief, "throwing him to the ground and stabbing through his tunic."